Support Us

The work of Another Way relies on the generous support of our community. Whether you consider yourself a member, or appreciate the work we are doing, please consider making a contribution via one of the methods below. 

Ways to Give


You can give both one-off and regular gifts online through our Give A Little page.

Please click here to visit our online giving page. 

Standing Order

You can give regularly by setting up a standing order. 


To arrange payments by online banking, our account details are:


Account Name: The Chapter of Truro Cathedral 

Sort Code: 20-87-94

Account Number: 40326976

Reference: ANOTHERWAY728


You must specify the correct reference in order for the funds to reach the community. 


Parish Giving Scheme

Another Way are part of the Parish Giving Scheme. This online giving platform allows both one off and regular direct debit giving. A unique feature of the scheme is that we receive 100% of your donation without any processing fees. 

Please click here to visit our online Parish Giving Scheme page.